
Picture of me

Hi, I'm Corbin 👋 I work as a software engineer in South Texas and hold a M.S. & B.S. from Colorado School of Mines. I've created this platform to document my progress 📈 as I expand my skills and knowledge in web development. I have a passion for learning, problem-solving, and building applications with modern technologies (my favorite is probably React ⚛️). While I have a strong background in front-end technologies, I am currently cultivating a deeper appreciation for server-side programming at my current company, where I am gaining valuable experience with full-stack web apps. When I'm not working or coding, I usually spend time with family or friends. Some of my hobbies include reading 📚, working out 🏋️, and watching chess ♟ tutorials on Youtube.


To view a full list of my projects, please visit my Github

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Front End

  • Typescript iconTypescript
  • React iconReact
  • Javascript (ES6) iconJavascript (ES6)
  • Styled Components iconStyled Components
  • Tailwind CSS iconTailwind CSS
  • HTML5 iconHTML5
  • CSS3 iconCSS3

Back End

  • Node.js iconNode.js
  • Express.js iconExpress.js
  • PostgreSQL iconPostgreSQL
  • Prisma iconPrisma
  • Mongo DB iconMongo DB
  • Rest API iconRest API
  • Firebase iconFirebase

Industry Tools

  • Next.js iconNext.js
  • Vite iconVite
  • React Testing Library iconReact Testing Library
  • Docker iconDocker
  • Gatsby iconGatsby
  • Git/Github/Gitlab iconGit/Github/Gitlab
  • Webpack iconWebpack
  • Jest iconJest


  • Figma iconFigma
  • NPM iconNPM
  • GraphQL iconGraphQL

Current Learning

  • Go iconGo
  • Vim iconVim

Designed & Developed by Corbin Cargil © 2022 | Credits

Connect with me

I am always looking to collaborate and meet new people. Use the form to shoot me an email or you can find me via the links below!

Linked IconGithub Icon